Based on the book by Ilias Venezis “The Number 31328”, the film by Nikos Koundouros unfolds through the personal tragedies of three characters, the Asia Minor Disaster and the agonizing travails o...
A man (Gerasimos Skiadaresis) falls in love with a girl from the provinces (Katerina Vakalopoulou) whom he had met at the train station. They get married, and two days later he leaves her without expl...
Theophilos Chatzimichail (Dimitris Kataleifos), the legendary painter from Lesbos, drops western garb and begins to wear the traditional Greek outfit. He often dresses like the national heroes he pain...
Loukas (Lazaros Andreou), who is a scrap dealer, constantly avoids coping with the difficulties of his life. When he falls in love with Zena (Afroditi Al-Saleh), who is involved with a gang of illicit...
During the German Occupation, a group of partisans collaborate with a lieutenant (who has been sent to Greece from the Middle East Headquarters) on a mission to blow up a German ship with a cargo of s...
A young man (Alexandros Logothetis) travels to Romania to bring back women to work at his new bar. After many adventures, he manages to find three girls and brings them to Greece. The bar becomes extr...